Benny Sings - Benny...At Home I don't know what is ironic and what isn't anymore, that is how tenuous my grasp on the zeitgeist is, so I cannot comment with clarity on that busted ass cover and album title (from 2007), but Benny brews a mean kettle of deconstructed slo-jam groove ala D'Angelo with nary a trace of menace; or, how a Fraggle softcore soundtrack might sound. The reviewer Justin Farrar nails it with "Prince meets Gilbert O'Sullivan." It's like he started the album out in Pro-Tools but finished it up on a manual typewriter. Great stuff. I'm going into metaphor shock trying to describe it.
I doubt this is the official video for the gray-day-defiant "Coconut" but then, maybe it is. Either way, stupid/brilliant job, y'all.
Prince - Around the World in a Day (listen) Might as well listen to some actual Prince. I'll let you handle the Gilbert O'Sullivan part. One Fourth of July, I drove from Florence, AL to Hunstville, AL at 4AM after driving all day, surviving on this tape and Camel Lights. I slept in the hatchback of my rental car in the parking lot of this mountain campground, only because I was so bleary that I couldn't figure out how to register for a campsite. I had to spiral up and down the mountain twice to even find the place. When the park ranger tapped on my windshield in the morning, I paid the full day admission to take a shower and then drove on to Chattanooga where I met up with a friend and we went to a sketchy drag club, and a woman flashed me on the dance floor. I'm guessing she was a born woman because she was dressed entirely too frumpy to be a drag queen, but I might be upholding an unfair stereotype by saying that. She later left a cigarette on my table, and I smoked it. That's what this album makes me think of.
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