My brother-in-law here in St. Louis says two things over and over: "Oh, Mary!" when one of the zillion kids or he himself expresses comic doubt about doing something, and "Here's the thing" as an expositional preface for nearly everything else. All moves and considerations are consciously and publicly processed in his manic cloud; ego and graciousness rubbed ruthlessly together to create a wondrous thunder or, as in last night's case, the most mind blowing surf and turf. The fading supply of pre-oil gulf shrimp met a Midwestern American steak crusted and grilled to perfection along side a seafood chowder which I wasn't sure was the best venue for crawfish but, here's the thing, it was.
He's also the uncle that can be counted on for fireworks. Here is my nephew C-Bone wielding a roman candle under his guidance

and Maya giving pyrotechnics a whirl.
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