Ted Leo + Pharmacists - The Brutalist Bricks
Ian McLagan & The Bump Band - Never Say Never (lala)
Jimmy Reed - Just Jimmy Reed (lala)
I came across something dubbing Ian McLagan & the Bump band's Never Say Never the Blood on the Tracks of pub rock, which is saying something if you are listening for that kind of thing. Upon listening, it totally is.
Some other cultural juxtapositions whose existence I'd like to have reported to me are listed below abecdeary style:
the Autobahn of zydeco
the Blank Generation of alt.country
the Canterbury Tales of contemporary Midwestern suburbia
the Devo of bluegrass
the Eagles of Death Metal (I know about them already; they are likely better than the actual juxtaposition)
the Fairport Connection of polka
the Philip Glass of rebetika
the Houses of the Holy of classic country
the Iron Maiden of jungle
the Journey of indie fiction
the Killing Yourself to Live of Afro-pop
the Lazer Tag of Frisbee
the Meet the Beatles of Eastern Europe
the Never Mind the Bollocks... of Dixieland
the Oreo of Turkish snack food
the "Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want" of New Yorker stories
the Quiet Village of free jazz (though I think John Zorn has done this a couple of times)
the Jimmy Reed of anything (Jimmy Reed kicks ass)
the Space Ritual of power pop
the Travels with Charlie of speculative apocalypse fiction (maybe like The Road, but with a dog instead)
the Universal Congress Of of urchin street folk
the Velvet Underground & Nico of 70's country duet acts
the Waterboys of Poland
the X of Phnom Penh (though Dengue Fever gets close)
the Yes of New Zealand
the ZZ Top of Wall-era East Berlin
The above photo is Maya's Play-Doh rendition of the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland, who always gets exactly what she wants regardless of how little sense it makes. The Queen, not Maya, that is.
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