The Mother Hips - Pacific Dust (lala)
The Specials - The Specials (lala)
This was a massive weekend that began with (1) chocolate and macadamia nut scones at Strand's, which might have been the best thing I ever heard of if someone hadn't mentioned that they sometimes make ones with white chocolate and lime. Maya had the apple strudel in the back. We made some great exquisite corpse monsters. (2,3) At lunch I had the (4) grilled redfish poboy at Another Broken Egg, a place I mistakenly had pegged as a bland old folks breakfast joint. The one out in the suburbs is, but dude, this was getting an ettouffee po-boy, big chunks of andouille sausage and enough butter to shave off some of those bitter, incontinent months at the end of my time on this earth. That evening I went on assignment to (5) the Richard Sale Barn, an old cattle auction barn in Abbeville, LA to witness Henry Gray (Howlin' Wolf's piano player) throw down with his band. More on that to come. Our two predetermined seafood place choices were closed so we hit Mel's Diner in Lafayette where they were proudly (6) "Reintroducing The Swiss Boy." Once I ordered, the guy at the next table leaned over and asked "Hey, do you like hamburgers?"
Any close reader of this site and casual observer of my physical form will know that indeed I do like hamburgers. Turns out this guy is the mastermind behind AcadianaHamuburger.com, the online face of his greater mission of sussing out the best hamburger in the area. The guy is thorough and not snobby in the least - he said he'd had a hamburger at the Cajundome concession stand while watching the mixed martial arts fights on a date night with his wife and would be including it in his survey. He handed me a card and similarly evangelized his quest to others in the place. My Swiss Boy came (7) and I wished I'd gotten the hamburger. When an expert presents himself, take his advice.
Sunday we took Maya and a friend to see Alice in Wonderland in 3D IMAX in New Orleans (unpictured) , and nope, I still can't see 3-D. I have wonky eyes. I have this sinking fear that soon all movies will be in 3-D and I will be further distanced from the Great American Movie Enthusiasm. I made a casual disparaging remark abt the Oscars on the place where one makes such remarks and felt immediately like retracting, like I was the a-hole in line to take Christmas photos that felt a need to declare the mall Santa a fake.
Oh, actually the weekend started with a (8) fried catfish Friday lunch at Zeeland's, where it was the cashier's birthday (9). Happy birthday, Stacy!
All the while I half listened to the Mother Hips record but had "Do the Dog" in my head.
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