The sausage section inside the Poche's mini-mart inside Boutin's. It's like a turducken of Cajun food providers! That sells turducken!
Edouard Levé, Suicide
David Bowie, Scary Monsters
Echo & the Bunnymen, Ocean Rain
Amy Winehouse, Back to Black
Yes, The Yes Album
The Byrds, Fifth Dimension
Aldubáran, Glód
Lou Reed, The Blue Mask
Bruce Springsteen, Lucky Town
Tortoise, It's All Around You
Tommy Guerrero, Lifeboats and Follies
The Lounge Lizards, Voice of Chunk
Audience, The House on the Hill
Fitz & the Tantrums, Pickin' Up the Pieces
The Whitefield Brothers, Earthology
Finalizing book edits, so I'll make this quick: mowin' the back yard, wonderin' how I never noticed the orchestra on Ocean Rain before, Amy Winehouse listenin', swimmin', grillin', hamburger eatin',boudin-in', Lou Reedin', Bruce Springsteenin', comic book academics outclassin' me as a nerd, story-tellin', prog rock-evangelizin', wafflin', coffee, mowin' the front yard, more hamburger eatin', Suicide, more swimmin', snoozin' through Breaking Bad, snoozin' through True Blood, snoozin' through Suicide, Raisin Bran CRUNCH!in', horse camp, editin', meetings, havin' lunch where there was a deli lunch counter for a different business inside the restaurant where you can get a plate lunch instead of what's on the restaurant's menu and really, who wouldn't automatically opt for a plate lunch even though it's a bit awkward with the waiter who is just filling your ice tea the whole time but I'm not a total asshole and therefore tippin' as if he did the whole thing himself, more editin', resistin' the urge to do some Mick Jagger prancin' around the office to Fitz & the Tantrums, editin'.
The apostrophes make it quick!
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