Sunday, May 18, 2014

Mulatto Bend Cemetery, resting place of Slim Harpo and Ophelia Jackson

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Mulatto Bend Cemetery possesses such a profound sense of place. The prairie parishes are basically like this in every way.

Here is where it is.

The official name is the Benevolent Society Cemetery, which differs from the name given in the Find a Grave listing. There is supposed to be a blues legends marker as well, or one in the works, but if so, I didn't see it.
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The cemetery is most famous for being the resting place of blues legend Slim Harpo. Here a train of harmonicas ring his headstone.

Slim Harpo, "I'm Gonna Miss You (Like the Devil)"

Here is a better view of the inscription from an Instagram I posted.

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Graveyard pictures are easy because they have entire lifetimes holding still for you.
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I love the message here, but I also love the handwriting. Look at the handwork in each capital letter.
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Here is straw boss John Allen's handsome family plot.
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Crawfish mound.
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The eternal reward of honoring a simple request.

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 I love this fat, little, baby angel.
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I don't know who you were, Ophelia Jackson, but I will be thinking of your name written on that stone for a long time and, right or wrong, singing that song by the Band with you in it.

The Band, "Ophelia" from The Last Waltz

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Mulatto Bend Road crosses Hwy 190 and we went down the wrong stretch at first, down toward the levee. As I was taking the picture, I was startled by an old man I'd failed to notice sitting under that tree talking on his phone. I started to ask when this bar was last open but I heard him mention, "...then he pulled a gun on him..." on his call, so I figured I'd leave him to it.

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