Madeline Peyroux - Bare Bones (lala) I dig it. Right there in the right spot between jazz and pop, precariously balanced on one of the few substantial bits of dry land in that treacherous swamp. I needed something recent to counterpoint the new Neko Case in a review, maybe this is it.
Jolie Holland - The Living and The Dead (lala) I have had the hugest crush on Jolie Holland since I happened across her painfully sweet informal gem of a debut Catalpa (lala) years ago. Actually it started with her tenure in the Be Good Tanyas, but I didn't know it was Jolie that I truly loved, her marble-mouthed warble so vulnerable and brave. And I'm not really given to pop music crushes, but she totally does it for me. She even makes the tiredest of songs (see her cover of "What a Wonderful World") sound as fresh as a fist of wildflowers arranged in a mason jar. A line as wank as "I'll dance at your funeral if you'll dance at mine" has the glow of a sunset in "Palmyra"
Po' Girl - Home to You (lala) Po' Girl is a project featuring Trish Klein who was also in Be Good Tanya's and Allison Russell from Fear of Drinking, cutting out their own path through the dusk acoustic splendor of the above mentioned records with a marked soul chanteuse brio that I hadn't expected.
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