The Young, Dub Egg
The Weight, Are Men
The Byrds, Sweethearts of the Rodeo
Bob Dylan, Planet Waves
Jesse Fuller, Jazz, Folk Songs, Spirituals & Blues
Michael Gira, The Milk of M. Gira: Collected Solo Home Recordings
Skullflower, Transformer
Yellow Swans, Going Places
Burning Star Core, Challenger
SUNN 0))) meets Nurse With Wound, The Iron Soul of Nothing
I heard the Weight playing on the sound system at Radio Bar yesterday, the only person in there with the bartender singing along. The Radio Bar is set up that you can pick what to play using the Apple Remote on your phone and can vote a song up. It wash't all that lonely; there were folks on the patio and I was waiting on a friend but still, that is an ideal music-listening situation, being the only person in a bar. There should be a EQ setting on iPods for "Only Person in Bar."
Every song on "Sweethearts of the Rodeo" is perfect. I wanted to hear a drunken shout version of "You Ain't Goin' Nowhere" on the bike ride over to the bar. Instead I got a Bob Dylan song I can't remember now. I don't know how I missed on knowing there is a SUNN 0)))/Nurse With Wound collaboration album, for they are my two favorite hermetic projects. But yeah, all that. I had more and then I saw these crepe myrtles behind the assembly center and they are louder and bigger sweethearts and have a hotter burning star cores than anything.

Babineaux's Slaughter House in Breaux Bridge on the way to Poche's ... Open M-S 8-12..great boudin.. red & white