Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I turn the wheel of Mind on your three hundred tons!

Philip Glass, Symphony No. 6 "Plutonian Ode" with Allen Ginsberg narrating. (lala)

Above is the composer Philip Glass watching his saxophone quartet being performed at a master class this morning. Below is the author apparently mesmerizing the composer before eating him. iPhone puts on like 20-30 pounds, right?

I have videos of the pieces performed but they need to be excerpted and permissed to be posted. The funniest thing he said was when coaching the saxophone quartet on tempo: "If you could get it up to 'incredible' that would be great." Thanks LSU, for putting this thing on.

I might be getting turned around on Allen Ginsberg. He was never one of my favorites; I always thought him a better catalyst than participant in the Art, but this stuff and Hydrogen Jukebox is cool.

O heavy heavy Element awakened I vocalize your con-
sciousness to six worlds

I chant your absolute Vanity. Yeah monster of Anger
birthed in fear O most

Ignorant matter ever created unnatural to Earth! Delusion
of metal empires!

Destroyer of lying Scientists! Devourer of covetous
Generals, Incinerator of Armies & Melter of Wars!

Judgement of judgements, Divine Wind over vengeful
nations, Molester of Presidents, Death-Scandal of
Capital politics! Ah civilizations stupidly indus-

Canker-Hex on multitudes learned or illiterate! Manu-
factured Spectre of human reason! O solidified
imago of practicioner in Black Arts

I dare your reality, I challenge your very being! I
publish your cause and effect!

I turn the wheel of Mind on your three hundred tons!
Your name enters mankind's ear! I embody your
ultimate powers!

from "Plutonian Ode," via American Poems, pls forgive the botched formatting

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