Pre-Lee pie from Fleur De Lis.
- New camera, new Tumblr, new (to me) Blogger iPad app: new world. As a part of the #Lsudmi #PutYourMoneyWhereYourMouthIs Sub-initiative, I am wiring this little mountain hovel of a blog - I like to think of it as Heidegger's Black Forest retreat without the bubbling samovars and visiting Nazis; the Unabomber's shack meets an Aspen villa circa 1975 - to the whole of the Social Grid. I dunno if it will "work"; it's like trying to channel the wind through helpful signage. Speaking of, if you Facebook, go search for "TouchGraph" and allow it and let it do its thing. It's scary and cool.
- Coffee tastes particularly good right before a storm. Must be the shifted barometric pressure affecting the grounds.
- We are doing our best to remain simple and unspazzed about Tropical Storm Lee here in the soggy bottom of America. It's an opportunity for grace now that that Neptune has penetrated the Mason-Dixon line with his wrath and even gentle, prepared Vermonters are all, "Hurricanes sure do suck!" We do what we can. We go to Target. We watch meteorologists overexplain unpredictable massive weather systems on the Weather Channel as their sporty ponchos get blown right off them as they stand on the New Orleans riverfront.
- I like how they get all football commentator on a Doppler StormBlaster 3000 Radar Projection. "It's a right-handed storm back at the studio." The guy on TV just said mesovortices, which might be the best word ever offhandly spoken on television. I like how our impending doom is soundtracked by Spyro Gyra and David Sanborn. I like how they just followed Twitter updates about Labor Day with storm pictures from space. It's like how molecules look just like galaxies, how the moss on a gravestone looks like the starry night.
- I like when the EBS kicks in. For me, it's American Infrastructure saying, "We got this." We got a big framed tracking map out of the trash last summer and are considering plotting the eye if we can find the dry erase marker. We try to not think about the trees and the power lines laced through their branches. They will do what they will despite our thoughts.
Location:Baton Rouge,United States
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