Strausbourg Philharmonic Orchestra, Marc Albrecht cond., Christiane Iven, Soprano, Berg: 3 Orchester Stucke, 7 Altenberg Lieder, 7 Fruhe Lieder
Helmut Lachenmann, Musique Concrète
Jody Redhage, Of Minutiae and Memory
Wilco, The Whole Love
- I just scrolled down and saw the grunge and drama filters in Snapseed. They turn the lowliest bus window snapshot into an Eastern European folk tale. Above: "The Whale That Ate Bratislava".
- I'm tempted to make a Facebook page for "the flying boat explosion scene in Face/Off" just so I may, in a contemporary manner, express how much I like it .
- And while I'm on the subject of movies: you may think Tom Hanks is a hack long past his prime, that Jonathan Safran Foer is an over-sentimental, precious lit-schmo, that Nico Muhly is large on Sonic the Hedgehog persona and short on compositional prowess... one could make an argument for any or all of the above, but all those factors conspiring to make a hyper-manipulative Hollywood-ass movie out of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close already sounds so perfect I wanna cry a little. I love that book. More than even Facebook can convey.
I assume Tom 'n' Sandra are the parents who largely exist (in the book anyway) as vacuums through which Oskar's comet streaks. The fact that Oskar will be played by a kid that won some landmark prize on Jeopardy seems even perfecter.
- Just to keep the hi/low culture friction going: a moment with Workaholics
- Dude, I don't know if any of you human/robot readers actively follow through on the linking of obtuse music, but Helmut Lachermann is out there by even my standards. Salut Für Caudwell is like a junkyard fight scene in the acoustic room at Guitar Center. Salut!
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