Mural on a victualler shop in Galway
Radiohead, "The Daily Mail" & "Staircase"
Neu!, Neu '75
Jody Redhage, Of Minutiae and Memory
Simple Minds, Empire and Dance
MGMT, Congratulations
Sparks, No. 1 in Heaven
10cc, 10cc
Jimmy Cliff, Wonderful World, Beautiful People
Various artists, Trojan Dub
- Ireland was great.
- Instead of making any New Year's resolutions, I listened to Neu! '75. More inspirational.
- I only identified one error in the final proof of my book. This is either a really great sign or a terrible one. I'm gambling on the former.
- There is a larger essay forming out of the Ireland trip, in case you were worried. In the mean time, I will be wearing the sweet Guinness golf hat I got at the Bunratty Castle gift shop, which might be better than the final essay.
It's cold in Galway. Also, I look like I've subsisted on black puddings and Guinnesses for longer than just a week.
- I noticed my blog stats didn't waver at all during the week when I didn't post anything. In fact it was a pretty good week, traffic-wise. That again is one sign or another. I had a weak resolution rolling around that I was going to stop listing every album I listened to and book I read, stop the five-bullet point rule, adopt a less talk/more rock attitude and address the general vs. specific issues in my writing here and elsewhere, but now at my desk, my fingers automatically did their thing.
Meanwhile, back at HQ, pelicans!
Neu!, "Hero"
Welcome back! That's awesome about your trip. I would be less jealous and more just happy for you and your family if it weren't for the picture of that sandwich you posted on facebook.