The jambablaya plate from Zeeland Street Market. It begs to be photographed like the grand, terraced landscape it is.
The National, Alligator
Hugo Largo, Drum
Fleet Foxes, Hopelessness Blues
Jody Redhage, of minutiae and memory
Ambache Chamber Orchestra & Ensemble, Talma: The Ambient Air / Soundshots / Full Circle
Tobe Hooper and Wayne Bell, original soundtrack to The Texas Chainsaw Masssacre
The National, "Mr. November"
The fight song. I didn't just stand up at my desk while this was playing and pretend to be fronting the National, gesticulating wildly in a manner that would rile the crowd.
Hugo Largo, "Scream Tall" Live
The face-your-inner-demons ballad. Or is it an "In your face, demons!" ballad. I used to have a cassette that just said "Brian Eno wants you to listen to something" embossed on each side, both sides containing same thirty-minute spiel of him trying to sell me or some college radio program manager on the band Hugo Largo, particularly their album "Mettle" which he released on his Opal label. I was already way sold on Hugo Largo, in fact, had the EP version of Drum that came out before the album version Michael Stipe produced and added vocals too, and vociferously preferred it. We were vociferous about those kinds of things for fun, and yet, I thought the Brian Eno sales pitch was the flattest of tires. My friend who was also an Eno nut like me passed it on to me and I was like 'NO WAY' and then was 'oh' and passed it on further. It actually turned me off from Mettle, an album I would have otherwise probably lauded on high. Drum, though, is 4ever my jam.
Jody Redhage & Fire in July, "Sometimes There's God So Quickly"
The latest thing across my desk. Jody Redhage and the rest of her cohorts documented by New Amsterdam records make me wish I was 22 living in New York seeing these pieces performed in little hipster bars, boundlessly enthused for a microcosm, being "in the scene", writing drunken wildfire liner notes for them, being their Lester for their being my Lou, being rathole roommates maybe, and decades later recounting for whatever websites will be in twenty years a bohème about which no one was aware at the time.
Serina Chang plays "The Clocks" on April 28, 2007.
Opening titles to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The part of the day where I let Jesus take the wheel: I find that I cannot go wrong following the lead of Alex Ross or anybody from Coil.
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